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What do we do?

Even now, in the 21st Century those to whom the name Garton & King may appear familiar and when asked ‘What did they do ?’ would probably reply ‘AGAs’ or perhaps ‘Manhole Covers’ unless, of course, they had had first hand experience of the company as customers or they, or a relative of theirs, was or had been in their employ.

Over hundreds of years many, but not all, of the goods, products and services offered by the Company and its predecessors have changed. A visit to the High Street Emporium page gives you an insight into the products available from the Ironmongery Shop, and closer inspection of the Headed Notepaper over decades seen on the Stationery Cupboard page mentions much that by 1961 was no longer available.

In 1881 you could order Verandahs, Railings, Gates and Water Closets. Bell systems could be installed (to summon the servants!) and Field Railings by the mile could be installed on your estate! You could have Gas Lighting fitted and your stables equipped and your Traction Engine repaired – yes, Exeter City Council’s Steam Rollers and their maintenance appear in the foundry record books. In the early 1900s constructional Ironwork Stanchions, Tie Rods and Roof Principals could be ordered and fitted. Heating and Sanitary Engineers were amongst the skills available as was the installation of Acetylene Gas Plants. By the second decade of the twentieth century there was no mention of the company's own cast iron Ranges and Cookers. The AGA made an appearance in the 1930s and marketing of the Beeston Boiler was heavily promoted, Electrical work was being undertaken. The Newspaper Ads Page gives much detail.

Golden Hammer bookletsBelow is the leaflet enclosed that came with the Commemorative Edition in 1961 of the Golden Hammer. This 1961 publication is shown together with the smaller (right) A5 complete History, originally produced in 2014 and reprinted in 2020 and is available for purchase. (see Booklets and Talks page)


DirectoriesMany of us still remember Besleys Directories, Kellys Directories and indeed Yellow Pages. In each the Businesses would be listed under Trades and Professions so Garton and King would appear under a variety of Titles and Trades but as the years passed certain entries were dropped off the list as certain skills and products became redundant and fell by the wayside. With the last castings made in 1979 and the subsequent closure and sale of the foundry site at Tan Lane many skills and services that had previously been offered were no longer available. Iron no longer smelted, Municipal Castings no longer produced and skills offered by the Machine Shop ceased altogether. The corresponding entries in the Trade and Business Directories reduced in number and ultimately even the Directories themselves became thinner and thinner and they too have all but disappeared as the Internet took over. In the mid 1970s hard copies of the Kelly’s Directory had fizzled out, in January 2019 51 years of printed Yellow Pages ended and by March 2024 the BT Phone Book was no more. What are the options now to find providers of trades, skills, services and products…?

...google !

June 2024
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See also:
Sitemap / Contents
ProductsMixed BagCustomers
High Street EmporiumCookers & Stoves