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The Company

Golden Hammer

The published history of Garton & King



Golden Hammer - the history of G&K, published 1961 and extended - an introduction

Chapter 1 - The Contented Shopman

Chapter 2 - The Men of Progress

Chapter 3 - The First Sam Kingdom

Chapter 4 - Iron Sam

Chapter 5 - Greater Yet

Chapter 6 - The Holladays

Chapter 7 - The Second World War

Chapter 8 - The Other Foundries

Chapter 9 - 300 Years of Business

Chapter 10 - Restructure and Foundry Closure - (1980s postscript to the 1961 publication by Henry Holladay)

Chapter 11 - Garton King Appliances - (Further chapter by Richard Holladay, 2013)

A Devonshire Dialect Poem

1939 Notes by Miss Lovely - the original research, starting point for Golden Hammer

Sam Ellacott, who illustrated Golden Hammer

Booklets and Talks includes:

Golden Hammer

Henry’s Exeter Experiences

1939 Notes

Details of Talks and Presentations available

The Company


1900 – A year under scrutiny

1900 – Was 1900 a good year?

A Film by Henry Holladay taken in 1935

The Great Exhibition 1851


The Workplace – shops and foundries – Updated

High Street – the shop (including the Ironmongery Catalogue)

Waterbeer Street Foundry

Tan Lane FoundryUpdated

A Bird’s Eye View and a Video Clip

In the Foundry

The Golden Hammer Sign

Map of Garton and King’s premises


Workforce at Work

Workforce at Leisure

St Petrock’s Church and Garton & King

Testimonials, Recommendations and Articles

Oddities, stories and trivia

The Stationery CupboardUpdated

Banking, Payment & Tokens

Taylor & Bodley - In the Shadows

King & Munk - Munk E. business!


The Horse Economy

Flying the Flag - Adverts and Shows

144 Years of Newspaper Ads

A Two Way Traffic - our insurer – Updated

Aga Agents - A Grand AffairUpdated

Recollections, Information, Memories and ExplanationsNew


The Great, the Good, and the Godly, The Common and not so Common

Customers who purchased Stoves

Stove Sales 1850-1870

Customers from the Foundry Order Books ArchiveNew

Customer ‘Tradesmen Account’ Holders 1863-1872New

Saltram House

Exeter Cathedral

Eggesford House and the Earls of Portsmouth

The Devon & Exeter Hospital, SouthernhayNew

Power to the Pumps (Electrics at Kennford Filling Station)New


What do we do?New

Municipal Castings

Rectangular and Square Manhole Covers

Cast Iron Cover (an article published in Right to Ride)

Triangular Covers

Circular Covers

Rock-n-Roll - A Patently obvious remedy

Gulley Gratings

Gummed up Gullies

Water Board and other Covers

Pre-1925 (No ‘Ltd’) Castings

Kerb (Arterial) Gulleys

Pavement Channels

Wheels and Gears

Railings and Palings

Iron Gates

Illumination - lamps and lamp posts

Services (Castings for public services)

Grave Markers

Heating Equipment

Hothouse Heating (Greenhouses, Conservatories, Vineries, etc.)

Cooking Equipment

All Cookers Great and Small - A dolls house stove

The Tale of Two Barques - Stoves at sea!

Exports Down-under - Where did that stove go? – Updated

The Dunbar - the lost stoves

Monuments - page includes:

Gordon Lamp

Chittlehampton Water Pump

Colyton Water Fountain and Lamp

Hele Paper Mill Water Feature

Three Men in a Boat (Sluice Gates)

The Mixed Bag Page

The Little Bit Unusual

Third Rail, Hand Rail, Finials & Freebies

Not what they appear to be!

Aga Agents - A Grand Affair


Sitemap (this page)

Useful Links

About Me

Recollections, Information, Memories and ExplanationsNew


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